Water Is Always Hot With Instant Water Heater
People tired of running out of hot water, or those with limited space for a water tank are finding that an instant water heater can solve both issues at the same time. Since an instant water heater attaches directly to the water line, there is no need for a tank.
Conventional residential hot water tanks usually hold 40 to 80 gallons of water, which is kept hot at all times, day and night. As water is used, it is replaced with cold water and heated. As water sits in the tank, it loses heat and power is used to keep it up to a preset temperature.
With an instant water heater, no energy is used until the faucet is turned on. Once water begins to flow, the unit turns on and heats the water, typically at 125 degrees Fahrenheit. If that temperature is too hot for the individual, simply regulate it by turning on the cold water. When you turn off the water, the instant water heater shuts down, using no energy.
In addition to the power savings of an instant water heater, water use also diminished. With a conventional tank, when the hot water faucet is turning on in may take running the cold water out of the line before the warm water begins flowing. With an instant water heater the water is hot from the start, eliminating the need to run the water to clear the lines.
Many Uses For Instant Hot Water
While an instant water heater can provide benefits at the individual faucets, whole-house units can save the energy used by maintaining hot water temperature day and night and only heat it when it’s needed. Claims are made that using an instant water heater can reduce energy use for hot water by up to 76%.
This has financial benefits for residential, commercial and industrial users and many manufacturers offer instant water heater units of all sizes for all users. These can especially beneficial to small homes or business owners who don’t have the space to devote to a typical hot water tank.
Financial saving can be rewarding. For example a family using 120 gallons of water a day with a 40-gallon electric hot water tank typically spends $112.25 per month. For the same usage, an instant water heater will cost about $26.95 per month. Using 30 gallons per day will see the hot water cost drop from about $28.10 per month to $6.84 per month, according to www.hotwaterheater.com.