Portable Heater – Boon Or Curse?

Imagine planning out a wonderful vacation out in the mountains and finding out that the water is ice cold while wanting to take bath. The whole day you would be miserable afterwards. Then, imagine the availability of a portable water heater. Ah! All your problems solved with one phrase.

There Are More Portable Heaters Than This

Portable water heaters are not the only ones that can be carried along for providing home-like comfort in camps in the mountains. You will also need a plain portable heater if you are sleeping somewhere in the wilderness. This is for two reasons – animals are attracted to the smell of man, and will come and investigate whenever they get it. However, they are averse to any type of fire, and fire-related things. A portable heater would he of great help to send off wild animals of nothing else.

We have reports though that sometimes the animals have been attracted because people were carrying portable heaters and these provided them with some warmth when they were feeling cold. Hence, utmost precaution should be taken when going to mountain camps, particularly when the climate is not very conducive.

Some other types of portable heaters are patio heaters which are built with open spaces in mind, and gas portable water heaters. In both the cases the heaters are tested and put through a number of rigorous hand-on use. After one month of rough usage, if the heater is still working fine, then it will be promoted in the market.

However, even then there are instances when among all these tested ones, one un-checked slipped; and as luck would have it, that particular one will be the one that would go to the most spirited customer who would fight anyone to get compensation and all from the irate customer.

It takes a lot to placate an irate customer- but the best policy till date is to accept the complaints looking chastised and then proceed in charming her/his off their feet. This part will be easy because all people are ego conscious and love a little flattery. If you can manage the right balance then the day would end in good news. Otherwise, we have lost a passenger.

Hence, for this product too, there should be a better customer-placating bias. Then, please cut out into our work. The portable heater is indeed a boon to mankind, provided it works well and does not malfunction.