Gas Heater For Above Ground Pool

Swimming in a pool is a joyful act but only if the temperature of the pool water remains in a narrow range i.e. 25 to 26 Celsius degrees. This temperature is not easily maintained naturally. During the swimming season the temperature of an above ground pool is in the range of 18 to 20 Celsius degrees, lower than that required for leisure swimming. In the morning, the pool water is rather cold due to loss of heat during the night. Hence we need a heater for above ground pool. Such a heater may be run by a variety of energy sources e.g. combustible gas, oil, or electricity (in which case the heater is commonly called heat pump).

Why Choose A Gas Heater For Above Ground Pool

A gas heater is the most popular source of heating the water of an above ground pool. This is because heating the pool by a gas is quicker and more efficient than by other means. Easy availability of natural gas and propane give an added advantage to gas heaters over other kinds. This makes both home and spa owners go for a gas heater for above ground pool.

Working Of A Gas Heater For Above Ground Pool

In a typical gas heater, the pool water flows through a port and gains heat from a heat exchanger. Then it comes out through a second port and falls back into the pool. In most heaters, the just-heated water is mixed with cool water resulting in maintaining a preset temperature.

Size And Sizing Of A Gas Heater For The Pool

The size of a gas heater for above ground pool depends on the size of the pool; larger heaters for bigger pools and vice versa. Also, if the difference between the pool’s temperature and that which you desire is large, you will need a larger heater even for a small pool. Further, if you can wait for your pool to get warm, a small heater may do well for an average size pool. But if you need a quick heating up of the pool, a larger size heater will be required.

Sizing refers to the ratio of input rating (the amount of fuel energy consumed), measured in Mega Joules or MJ, and energy output rating (amount of heat energy evolved), measured in Kilowatts or KW. A gas heater in the range of 60 to 100 MJ is considered a small one while a heater from 250 up to 400 MJ is a large one. The output of most heaters fall in between 25 to 100 KW.


For best results a gas heater for above ground pool should be fitted with thermostatic controls.